Photo, Cinema and Television

Learning objectives: The first level academic diploma course in Photography, Cinema and Television aims to train artistic operators within the three disciplinary areas in which it is structured.
The teaching, practiced through innovative teaching methods, transversally combines theoretical and laboratory experience, providing students with critical and analytical tools, aimed at developing a conscious management of techniques and technologies (which, in the case of Cinema, unlike other arts, he lives of the complex support of multiple professional skills), to express not only a professional competence but to contribute to the formation of a potential artist, through the search for a look, a sensitivity and only consequently of a form.
The course will train students on the need to understand and interpret the Image (fixed and moving), whose meaning is now worn and abused, as an instrument for observation and decoding of changes and social and cultural evolution of contemporary society.
Employment prospects: Graduates of the three-year course will carry out activities related to the free artistic profession as photographers, directors, screenwriters, editors, cinematographers, operators, etc.
The Academy will organize, in agreement with public and private bodies (RAI, Naples headquarters, Teatro San Carlo, Teatro Stabile Mercadante, Museo Archeologico Nazionale), the most appropriate internships and apprenticeships to contribute to the achievement of specific professional skills and competences.

Study plan

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